Study Says Red Is Attractive


So love is in the air. As we have known today, Valentine’s Day came about from Saint Valentine during the time of Romans. The day was eventually named as the day of love and romance. If you plan on dating someone, it is wise to plan ahead and let a holiday Light installation help you embellish your venue with a good lighting system, appropriate for the holiday. However, Valentine’s Day isn’t always about going to dates, treating a special someone, or going to fancy dinners. It is also a great opportunity to express our love to our family, grandparents, relatives, and friends.

Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is the most romantic time of the month of February. Most men write sweet notes and give red flowers to their loved ones. In each passing decade, the very primary color that represents the Valentine’s Day has consistently been red. Have you been wondering why? Psychologists from the University of Rochester found that the shades of red heighten a man’s attractive quality towards women. During the old days, the color red signifies a high status which many women are attracted to. If you are hoping for a “yes” from a special someone, take advantage of the power of the color red. Greenforce Outdoor Light, a Christmas Lighting Installation in San Francisco, California, can help you with that.

Red also enhances physical reactions. It stimulates people or consumers to buy your products if you have a business store. Apart from the beautiful atmosphere it provides, it is also a good means to capitalize on the effects that the color red has on consumers. Incorporate a beautiful red shade into your businesses! Because red is attractive, you will surely attract many more customers. Let a Xmas Light Installation in California help you increase your sales!

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